Emergency / Transitional
We Care helps to provide emergency / transitional housing to those in the Rhea County area who need temporary assistance. We currently have the following housing options:
We Care Micro Homes
Located in Dayton, Tennessee, these our Micro Homes operate as small homes that families or individuals who need a place to stay until they get back on their feet.
Safe Haven Emergency / Transitional Housing
Located in Spring City, Tennessee, this location serves families with children who are in need of temporary transitional housing.
Need Help?
If you are in need of emergency or transitional housing please fill out the online application and contact us for an appointment. You must agree to the housing rules below.
We Care Micro Home
We Care Micro Home
Emergency/Transitional Housing
Emergency/Transitional Housing
Housing Rules
Admission: Upon signing the housing application you are agreeing to the length of your stay being two weeks. (As long as all members of the household comply with all rules.) If rules are at any time broken applicant agrees to an immediate dismissal/eviction. Residents must offset the cost of stay by payment in cash and/or by services. Cost of lodging per day is $6.00 per person. If stay is extended due to extenuating circumstances in accordance with director and management, the $6.00 a day charge may be instituted in addition to services.
Safe Haven residents must learn and abide by ALL Safe Haven House Rules. (Upon signature of application absolute compliance is a must.) Rules include:
No smoking in the houseNo pets allowed on property.
No weapons of any kind. (This includes pocket knives, pepper spray, etc.)
No illegal drugs and/or being under the influence of such
No profane language
No violent/threatening behavior will be tolerated whatsoever
No unruly disruptive behavior will be tolerated
No tampering with or disabling house smoke alarm (It is illegal.)
Removing or destroying any We Care Haven House property will not be tolerated and is considered vandalism/theft/destruction of property and is punishable by law.
Absolutely NO visiting in another residents bedroom. Immediate dismissal will follow.
Medications. Notify manager of any and all medications taken by household members, or any treatment programs.
Hygiene. All members of the family are required to take regular baths and maintain proper hygiene while staying in shelter. Personal Hygiene is a must. Any members with head lice or nits will be required to leave until condition is remedied.
Families will be rooming together. Couples must provide proof of marriage. Parents are responsible for their children's behavior at all times. Children are never to be left alone or left with any other resident at any time.
Curfew is 9:00 p.m. The house will be locked at 9:00 p.m. sharp. All residents must be inside the Haven House by 9:00 p.m. unless other arrangements have been made due to a work schedule or church service. Any residents who leave the shelter after 9:00 pm will be locked out and it will be considered an absent night at shelter. If any resident that misses more than two nights, will be dismissed/evicted from the Safe Haven House. Kitchen and Great room also close at 9:00 p.m. sharp. Children and families are to be in their rooms by 10:00 p.m. Please do not let your children run around and keep the house awake.
Fire Alarm. Removing or tampering with House Fire Alarm will lead to immediate eviction. If fire alarm sounds leave the home until safety is ensured.
Room, Food, and Chores. Rooms are to be kept clean and litter free at all times. Beds are to be made daily and inspection ready at all times. Residents are responsible for their own toiletries and food provisions. Household chores consist of cleaning after yourself and family members. Vacuum everyday. No dishes are to be left in sink, wash immediately after meal. Absolutely do not throw anything on floor or ground outside. Do not dispose of leftover food or cigarette butts on the ground outside. No Food or Drink are allowed in bedrooms. Do not carry food or beverages into living room area. Residents must prepare.
Laundry Facilities. Laundry facilities are there for the benefit of all residents. Be responsible for your laundry. DO NOT leave laundry supplies unattended. Do not overload machines. It is each residents responsibility to provide their own laundry supplies. We provide the facilities, power, etc. If these facilities are abused by residents, responsible party will lose laundry privileges. Limit to three loads of laundry per week. 1 color, 1 whites, 1 darks. See House Manager for a laundry schedule. DO NOT REMOVE or Disturb another person's laundry.
Television. The television may be operated by adults only between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. Television shows must be acceptable and PG ratings only.
Telephone. Local phone calls only. Limit calls to 15 minutes. THIS IS A BUSINESS PHONE! No phone use permitted after 11:00 p.m.
Visitation. NO VISITORS ALLOWED!!! This is emergency/transitional housing; not your home or apartment. Therefore, no personal visitors allowed on any Safe Haven House property. No Loitering. This is absolute. All persons must be included on application and approved as a resident before coming on Safe Haven House property. There are approved Clergy, Housing Authority Inspectors, and We Care Employees that are pre-approved for visitation for the purpose of maintaining the Safe Haven Home.
Personal Items. Limit 2 suitcases per person, and must be checked in by resident manager. Keep your personal items in your bedroom at all times and clean. Do not carry your personal items around the home.
Thermostats. Do not tamper with thermostats temperature. Must be set at 73 degrees no lower in summer, no higher in winter.
Furniture & Decor. Do not remove or rearrange furniture. Do not hang anything on the walls.
Food. All residents are only to eat in the kitchen at the table. Parents are responsible for making their children follow this rule explicitly. Each resident must apply for food stamps. You are responsible for your family's food.
Garbage pick-up. Garbage pick-up is on Friday. Have your garbage out Thursday night.
Children. All parents are responsible for their children. We do not offer child care. Your child is not the resident manager's responsibility. Therefore, if your child destroys any property in and around the home, you are financially responsible foe full recovery. Please do not let children play on the intercom.
House Repairs. If you see anything that needs repair or attention please notify management immediately.
Inspections. There will be random inspections.
Please help us take care of what God has blessed us with so that we can continue to be able to provide shelter to those in need.
Contact us with any questions.